Biblical Parenting Series

Early Childhood Development

Start our parenting journey right

Xavier Woon
3 min readJun 26, 2022



The prenatal period to the beginning of primary school education is the time where children seek parents’ love, care & attention. It is also the time where they are open to learning. What can parents learn about early childhood development that help their infants, toddlers & young children grow up to be more Christ-centred and ready for learning? What are the biblical principles that enable parents to start right when their children’s brains are highly flexible & adaptable? These three-weekly sessions draw on the life of the infant Jesus, Joseph & Mary, and contemporary developmental research to show the importance of parents being involved with their children and the longer-term impact. Parents can learn simple activities and interaction that help their children prepare spiritually, emotionally & cognitively for this challenging world.

Session 1. Learning with Joy

We learn about the basics of the human brain and become aware that learning for our children starts in utero. Our children are optimized for learning. While our school system is excellent, learning is not the job of teachers only. Parental involvement gives our children the experience expectant, that is, the natural desire to learn. So, we…

