Communicate with Love & Clarity

Xavier Woon
2 min readNov 6, 2020

Read Mark 4:1–20

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


Jesus used instructions and parables to bring about the Good News. First, He taught using instructions because the crowd was familiar with the direct manner in which the Old Testament prophets spoke. However, the Jews did not take instructions very well. In fact, they rebelled against the prophets who reminded them of their infidelity against God. Many of the Old Testament prophets suffered and died. Second, Jesus used parables to reach out to the crowd. Parables were stories that used folksy images and situations that the crowd could relate to. Some people enjoyed the story and wanted more. Because the stories were relatable, they would also share them with their family members and friends. Some, upon reflection, realized that God’s truth was weaved into the story.

Corporate Leadership

Due to the pressure of time, bosses tend to give instructions and orders. Why waste time? Get to the point so that things get moving! Also, people who receive instructions tend not to question out of respect, fear, or nonchalance. Why waste time asking, “Why?” and risk being labeled as “rebellious”. When Jesus taught, He took the time to explain the meaning of the parables He told. He wanted His disciples to understand the reason and the truth. Once His disciples understood, they became more inspired to…

