Be Prepared for Anything

Xavier Woon
3 min readJan 1, 2021

Change is the only constant in this world

Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

Reflection Mark 16:1–13

Prior to Jesus, there was no recorded history of anyone who had been scourged, crucified, and raised from the dead. Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, but he was not crucified. There were instances of saintly people like Enoch, Moses, and Elijah being taken away by God but they did not return to the world as Jesus did. Hence, the three women did not know what to believe when told that He had risen. After all, they were already amazed that the very large stone covering the tomb entrance could be moved by a young man in a white robe and the body of Jesus was nowhere to be found. Jesus then appeared personally to Mary Magdalene and two of the disciples later. He had to speak to them so that they recognized and acknowledged Him. They returned to the disciples to report to them what they saw. Yet, even on the testimony of these witnesses, the disciples still did not believe. It was much later that the disciples remembered what Jesus taught and realized that He had spoken of His resurrection before.

Corporate Leadership

For company staff who do most of the administrative, menial, and laborious jobs, there is little incentive to look for new ways to increase their productivity or improve their work. When presented with a better way of doing things or changing the habits they are used to, they may not believe that it can be done. Instead of increasing productivity, change induces conflict. When the angel told Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome that Jesus had risen, they were bewildered. When they told the other disciples they did not believe them. Even though Jesus told them that He would rise again, they did not believe it possible. Likewise, a good leader understands that old habits and old thinking die hard. He has to train and educate his staff to prepare for changes ahead and possible conflicts. Help them with the change and follow through with the changes until they are comfortable with them. Otherwise, the change will not take place successfully. Wangari Maathai, the first African woman to win the Nobel Prize said, “You can educate people on how to preempt their own conflict. — XW

Family Leadership

