Biblical Parenting Series

Adolescent Development

How to navigate through our teen's tumultuous years

Xavier Woon
9 min readJun 24, 2022


Rafting on Dinghy

As children enter their adolescent years, the most obvious changes are with their bodies. As parents, what we do not see clearly are their emotional, spiritual, and cognitive changes. Our children become aware of their own identity, yet they are not sure of who they are. They become interested in romance and relationships, but we find it awkward to have an open conversation with them. When we lack that connection with them, they become unsure of themselves and seek answers somewhere else.

How are we to help them navigate through life? That is why we need Biblical principles to guide us in parenting. Through these ten sessions, we explore the various aspects of life and how to apply the right principles appropriately.

Session 1 Understanding Tweens & Teens

This topic explores the cognitive, emotional, and social development of a human being with respect to how the brain functions. As parents, we learn to appreciate the neurological development of our children and how it affects their thinking and behaviour. In this age where children are influenced by more liberal values, we are always in a dilemma. On one hand, many verses in the Bible talk about…

